Dickson County Amateur Radio Club
The Purpose of the Dickson County Amateur Radio Club (DCARC) is to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to provide radio knowledge, fraternalism, and individual operating efficiency, to conduct club programs and activities as to advance the interests of amateur radio in the community and to perform organized public service during emergencies and disasters.

Upcoming Events
Monthly Club Breakfast
We will be meeting for our monthly club breakfast (3rd Saturday) at Jeanine's in Dickson, 1200 HWY 70E. Let us know if you plan on being there and we will make sure seating is reserved. Click on the Activities tab at the top of the page for directions. Connect in Slack for the most current information.
Old Timer's Day 2024 information coming soon
ARES meeting at the EOC
Both the regular club meeting and ARES meet at 6:45 PM at the EOC. If you need information or paperwork addressed and signed for ARES, please arrive around 6:30 PM.
Technician Class at the Library!
Please contact us for more information or join the Slack group.

Fox Hunt and POTA- TBD
We ask you check-in to the White Bluff repeater so we have an accurate count of who is participating. You can meet some of us at the Dickson Post Office around 9:45-10 AM. Join Slack or get in touch with Tom, NN5A or Randall, N4BM for more information.
Weekly 2 Meter Net
We hold a 2-meter net every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM on the White Bluff repeater. The frequency is 147.375, + 0.6 offset, PL tone 146.2. We also have the ability to connect to the McEwen repeater (147.225, + 0.6 offset, PL tone 114.8) as needed to expand coverage. You do not need to be a member of Dickson County Amateur Radio Club to participate.
We are looking for people to be net controllers so we can rotate each week. Email info@wc4dc.org to volunteer.
Monthly Club Meetings
The Regularly scheduled meeting times and place for the DCARC has changed back to the Dickson County EOC: 284 Cowan Rd. Dickson, TN 37055. We will meet here until further notice. The Time: 7:00 PM the second Monday of each month (6:45 PM for ARES), except May and December. In May the meeting is a picnic, and in December it is a Christmas Dinner.
ARES volunteers are licensed amateur radio operators who are organized and highly trained to provide emergency communications during emergencies and public service events. “When all else fails” is a motto of ARES because in many instances, amateur radio communications are operational when other communications systems have failed or are over burdened.
We hold a 2-meter net every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. on the White Bluff repeater. The frequency is 147.375, + 0.6 offset, PL tone 146.2. We also have the ability to connect to the McEwen repeater (147.225, + 0.6 offset, PL tone 114.8) as needed to expand coverage and combine resources. You do not need to be a member of ARES to participate.
The above link will take you to the District 11 information page. Emergency Coordinator and HF nets are listed.
If you are interested in joining the ARES team, please let us know. We also need volunteers to be net control for the 2 meter net.
Get your license!
The Dickson County ARC will hold VE sessions regularly throughout the year. Walk-ins welcome & reservations accepted. The Tech, General and Extra exams will be available. VE sessions scheduled for 2025: January 23, March 27, May 15, July 24, September 25, and October 23. Testing starts at 7:00 PM in private meeting room.
Please visit http://www.cavechamexam.com/ and read the “New FCC Requirement” section. Register for your FRN and fill out the Quick-Form 605. Bring both to the testing session. Don’t forget $15 and your photo ID.
Any questions email please email the club, info@wc4dc.org.
VE Testing Sessions held at 7:00 PM at Colton’s Steak House 2431 Hwy 46 S, Dickson, TN 37055
Email Sena luvcats20@yahoo.com or call 615-636-7733
To ensure we have enough testing materials on hand.